Popeye J.i21

Popeye Wide Screen existe en 2 versions J.i21 à touches françaises.
La plus recherchée est celle portant le logo J.i21 à la place du logo Game & Watch (la version que certains appellent « real J.i21 »). C’est d’ailleurs le seul Game & Watch a porter ce logo.

Game & Watch Popeye (PP-23) en J.i21 touches françaises version 1

Game & Watch Popeye (PP-23) en J.i21 touches françaises version 2

Boite du Game & Watch Popeye (PP-23) en version J.i21

Notice du Game & Watch Popeye (PP-23) en version J.i21

Recherches récentes :

boîte popeye de nintendo game and watch wide screen, popeye ji 21, https://www game-and-watch net/variations-regionales/ji21/wide-screen/popeye/, game and watch real ji 21, game and watch popeye JI21, game and watch popeye ji 21, game watch ji 21 popeye, game watch popeye ji21, nintendo game watch logo, popeye j i21 game watch, popeye ji21 game and watch, popeye nintendo game and watch j i21

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